Bad Ass Wrestling Federation
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New Year. New Era. Its 2010, and its time for a change. No more of those bullshit e feds, with crappy storylines, late results written poorly, and admins that makeup 80% of the roster. Bad Ass Wrestling Federation brings in amazing detailed storylines, al
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So You Want To Be A Badass? This Is How.....


 The Notorious 187

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Join date : 2010-02-20

The Notorious 187 Empty
PostSubject: The Notorious 187   The Notorious 187 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 5:25 pm

Badass Wrestling Federation 2010 Superstar/Knockout Contract

The Notorious 187 Img5087ew3le0
(Homicide - Nelson Erazo)

Personal Information.
Real Name: Jesus Chavez
Age: 23

Badass Wrestling Federation General Information
(This will/can be shared with fans and staff)
Character Name: Golpe
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 187
Experience(Years): 1
Attire: Homicide
Babyface or Badass: Badass
Biography: Golpe came into the wrestling scene in 2009, in the company : WWKF. He became well known in the land of "Violence & Attitude" showing that he had what it took to hang with the big boys.
Enterance Theme: Yo Te Mato Relajando - Mozart Lo Para
Enterance Discription: Golpe walks down the ramp with the beat of his theme, he pulls down his bandanna from his mouth and raises his hands, revealing a cocky smile, he jumps over the top rope and tuants the fans.

Wrestling Information.
Fighting Style: Technical
Headlock Takedown
Thumb to Eye
Leg Sweep
Flying Clothesline
Spinning Back Kick
Spinning DDT
Signiture Move: "Golpe Lo Para"
Description: Golpe measures up his opponent, once his opponent is on his feet, Golpe takes a few steps back, the runs toward his opponent giving him a vicious boot to the face.
Finisher Move: "The Notorious 360"
Description: Golpe grabs his opponent by the head, spins him around 360 degrees, then gives him a vicious face plant.

Badass Wrestling is a Professional Wrestling Company. It is change you can believe in. This contract is for those who would like to become a BWF Superstar or Knockout. By filling out the information above, you have already read the Rules & Regulations and are aware of the concequences by breaking any of the Rules and Regulations.

This Wrestling Company Tv Rating is 18+ , which may contain sexual content, coarse languange, adult material, and violence.

The Matches that you may compete in as a Superstar can be dangerous and risky to your well being and health. There will also be a drug testing every end of the month. If you test positive you may be released or get a suspension from up to a year.

The Matches that you may compete in as a knockout can be a bitch. If you are not willing to come out of a match with bruises and/scars on your face or body, then this company is not for you.

BWF Programming is aired live at Midnight, which would have you competing late night. This is so that BWF Programming is passed childrens bed time so that they do not witness the violence and sexual themes the Badass Wrestling Federation has to offer.

By Signing this Contract you agree to the Rules and Regulations and the statements listed above. Your also aware that if any information that you have listed above is false, you can be charged and not accepted into the BWF. You also allow the BWF to share your information with BWF fans and staff.

(x) Sign Here: Jesus Chavez
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Karly Zedic
Karly Zedic

Posts : 36
Join date : 2010-02-13
Age : 36

The Notorious 187 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Notorious 187   The Notorious 187 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2010 5:44 pm

Thank you for joining Badass Wrestling, you have been added to the Roster Page, if you have any questions, pm me, Enjoy your stay Smile
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The Notorious 187
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